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Event Calendar

Wednesday Evening Fun League
Wednesday, August 03, 2016, 04:30pm
To Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Province Lake Golf Course 2016 Wednesday Evening Ladies Fun League

The 2016 Wednesday Evening Ladies Fun League will open their season on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 4:30 PM. We will play every Wednesday Evening at 4:30 PM through Wednesday, September 7, 2016. The Fun League is open to any woman interested in playing golf no matter what her skill level. We have beginner golfers and experienced golfers. Each Week is a different game, balancing formats in order to appeal to a variety of golfers at various skill levels. We welcome new members.

The cost to play for non PLGC Members is $22 per week to walk, $30 with a cart. Once you register you will receive more information on game formats. You register (on line) once to join the league, then you sign up each week (no later then Monday 6:00 PM) that you plan to play by e-mailing Dorrie Vrettos at dorrievrettos@gmail.com or call Dorrie at 603.522.6393. If no one is home - please leave a message.

The main purpose of the Fun League is to offer women opportunities to play golf and learn in a non-threatening atmosphere while having a chance to meet other women golfers. The league is flexible and most of all FUN. You do not have to play every week, but you must sign up each week that you want to play by the deadline, which is Monday at 6:00 PM.

To join our Fun League, Please register online CLICK HERE. If you can not register online or would like more information, please call Dorrie Vrettos at 603-522-6393, or email her at dorrievrettos@gmail.com. Come join us for some golfing fun this summer.