Event Calendar
The Thursday evening Province lake Men's Golf League is a competitive league open to men of all ages and abilities.
The league is team based with 9 hole weekly individual matches played against competition of a similar skill level. Make friends and develop rivalries with regular play on a fair, yet challenging golf course.
Team prizes are awarded at the banquet at the end of the season and individual prizes are available for weekly play. The Thursday men's league is an excellent opportunity to have fun while improving your game.
The League will have 3 divisions A, B & C the divisions are set up by handicaps each member in a division is a team.
We play match play and we have a maximum of 4 strokes for a player based on handicap we found that worked out last year just fine.
We are hoping to have at least 24 players we could add a couple more.
Dues is $ 45.00 payable at the beginning.
For More Information Contact John Creighton at 603-828-7671 or call John at